I have soooo much to share with you all! Read in its entirety! Other than Black Panther was EVERYTHING, I'm obsessed with Chadwick Bozeman, Lupita Nyong, Michael B. Jordan and Ryan Coogler Interviews, and I wish Wakanda was a real place; we have some other super dope updates!

Church announcements: govern yourselves accordingly!
- We have a new posting schedule on youtube: Every Sunday and Wednesday
- I will be on the Michael and Joi in the Morning Show on Tuesday 2/27/2018 www.michaelandjoi.com  Tune in by  searching "Sensation station" on iTunes call 6786135857 if would like to call in
-There is still time to register for the 31-day wellness challenge: http://bit.ly/refreshspl18 !
code: "Refreshed"
-Meet me and the lineup! 📸🔥YouTube Meet & Greet: @the_blessing_report @cyrusspeaks @danielletashae @amandaapittman @michaeljpittman @msbritneym @j_mikemoore @karolyneroberts @thekalroberts @actuallyautumn_ @simplypassionatelife

USE CODE "simplypassionatelife" for $10 off on https://www.eventbrite.com/e/the-br8kthrough-tour-atl-tickets-42365913588?aff=erelpanelorgnic#tickets

Follow me at http://www.instagram.com/simplypassionatelife to enter the Breakthrough tour giveaway!


