I've got the power!!! Defeating Doubt!

 In our efforts to live more simply passionate lives, there are two main snags that can become barriers to contentment and intentionality. The first is fear and you can learn more on how to fight fear here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PMZHaHd0Yh8 The next is doubt!

Real Life: Public Speaking Journey

We did it! Hold my hand as we watch my first official speaking engagement! It has been an honor to watch God work! Simply Passionate Life began on 11.11.2016 and my first engagement was 2/11/2017! WON'T HE DO IT! Please share, give it a thumbs up, and leave your feedback below.

Introducing Simply Passionate Life: Est. 11.11.2016

Welcome to a Simply Passionate Life: Where we aim to live a passionate life from the simple to the extravagant moments... I am devoted to helping others do the same! Motivation: mind, body, soul!